Brad Deery Honda Official Blog
Take a test drive 2021 Honda CR-V near Keokuk IA
By Brad Deery Honda | Posted in Brad Deery Honda News, Honda CR-V, Honda News on Monday, April 26th, 2021 at 7:53 am
Brad Deery Honda – Take a test drive 2021 Honda CR-V near Keokuk IA
If you’re looking to take the CR-V out for a test drive, you will probably want to try out the hybrid version. While the conventional trims are truly exceptional, the hybrid engine makes the vehicle quieter and with a great sense of pickup and go. The electric battery can be used to give you a more responsive level of torque, which will provide you with a better overall driving experience. Come down to our dealership and discover all of the features that are designed to give you an incredible driving experience. We can’t wait to talk with you about all of your needs. We are serving West Burlington, Keokuk, Muscatine Iowa, and Galesburg Illinois.
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Tags: 2021 Honda CR-V, Brad Deery Honda, Keokuk IA, Test drive 2021 Honda CR-V near Keokuk IA, West Burlington IA