Brad Deery Honda Official Blog
Why buy a used Honda CR-V near Monmouth IL
By Brad Deery Honda | Posted in Brad Deery Honda News, Honda CR-V, Honda News on Monday, December 27th, 2021 at 10:22 pm
Brad Deery Honda – Why buy a used Honda CR-V near Monmouth IL
The sales for every Honda CR-V speak for themselves near Monmouth IL. For the last many years, the model has been second in total sales for SUVs in its class, a true achievement for a model that often puts budget as its chief objective. Honda is an automaker that knows how to create something special on a budget, always keeping your family’s comfort and well-being in mind. While the first CR-V models rolled out long ago in 1995, we’ve found that many people prefer to shop for CR-V models and trims that were made after 2000. The 2001-2006 generation is actually still on the road and relevant to many buyers. For those who crave modern technology and a modern powertrain, you can get in on the fourth-gen Honda CR-V (running from 2011 to 2017). These models will be your most elevated of all CR-V options, and they’re still incredibly inexpensive. Brad Deery Honda hopes you’ll take some time to learn about all the CR-V is serving Monmouth IL. Adding a used Honda CR-V to your household this year is certain to make for an easier ride. We are serving West Burlington, North Liberty, Cedar Rapids, and Davenport Iowa.
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Tags: Brad Deery Honda, Monmouth IL, Used Honda CR-V, Used Honda CR-V near Monmouth IL, West Burlington IA